Monday, April 18, 2016

Train Tracks and Trail Signs

I've hike about 60 miles of the PCT so far and after about 6 days on the trail I knew that I needed to come home and have a break. I am reevaluating my gear and also looking into ways to figure out how much water to carry as there are many long dry stretches without water. I plan to go back out where I left off and hike the next 50 miles into Warner Springs and hope to arrive there by Friday the 23rd. All is going well and I am excited to get back on the trail.

I've met tons of awesome people so far and was blessed with a trail name! Just call me Pink Panther!!! Its due to the epic pink sun hat that I have been hiking with as well as the fact that I wear a pink beanie and I have a pink sleeping bag. I think its a great trail name and I love it!

I did have an encounter with a rattle snake. I read that you can hold your backpack in front of you and that way if the snake strikes it hopefully will hit your pack and not you. My adrenaline was pumping as I approached the snake with my pack in front of my legs and much to my joy he didn't want to bother with me and decided to slither away.

I have seen lots of lizards but my favorite was the horned lizard... it looks like a tiny dinosaur!

I met some awesome ladies from Nevada who shared their campsite with me in Mt Laguna. We had a great time together! Thank you Stephanie, Heather and Lea!!!

So I've been through Lake Morena and Mt Laguna and now on to Warner Springs!!!


  1. Glad to read your update! It does take a while to get adjusted. You're doing great. Make your gear changes, get your water figured out & get back out there!! Happy trails!

  2. Smart decision! Sent you an email too!

  3. Hello Pink Panther!

    Congrats on making it this far, AND on your smart decision to stop now and re-evaluate your gear. My husband and I are very experienced backpackers in the Sierras (and he used to work at REI for fun). If we can be of help in making gear/cutting suggestions, we'd be happy to! We did some trail magic work last season in the Lake Isabella area, and love to help PCT hikers when we can. Also, check out Andrew Skurka's website: Great suggestions there.

    Happy Trails!

  4. I have been following your blog - Congratulations on the first 60 miles. And passing that rattler!! I am looking forward to reading more...

  5. So so flipping amazing! I can't do what you're doing..well I could but I don't want to. But, you have inspired me to restart my weight loss journey and hit my goals! Which I plan on doing so whine you get home we can be two skinny chicks ;)

  6. Hi Pink Panther
    Now that you have been given a trail name you will be stronger in you quest. The legacy of the Pink Panther will be etched in every step you take now along the PCT.
    It's smart that you are taking the time to evaluate your needs. Check for snail mail when you get to Warner Spring.

  7. Your Journey sounds amazing!Looking forward to reading your blog. I do not know if it my computer or ??but your video's are not working love the pics though.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Loved reading the article about your upcoming journey and how much effort you put into achieving this goal that you are on, as my wife and I want to start walking the PCT in sections starting this summer. We are following your blog, for inspiration for us and support for you. We wish you the best of luck!

  9. Waterless stretches--use yogi's guide if you don't already have it---there are just a few 20 mile stretches without water on the whole trail--yogi's info is usually solid. On those long stretches most people carry 4 quarts. The Los Angeles aqueduct section most of us hike at night as it is flat and smooth. That's one of the long dry runs and there is a faucet at cottonwood bridge.

    Gear lightening---use aqua mira drops instead of a purifying apparatus--a set lasts I think about two weeks if I remember.

    One set of clothes--that you wear and only changes of underwear and socks--wear raingear while doing laundry--which is sometimes in a creek.

    Your pack sounded on the heavy side when you started.

    REI is awesome for customer service and will replace gear on the trail if you have their lifetime membership for like 25 bucks. They replaced my pack twice in the year warranty they give all members.

    Keep going


    1. I love Yogi's guidebook, but you should look for the PCT water report. Hikers update it so you know what sources ahead are still good.

      As for 4 quarts, I didn't rely on the Third Gate cache, so I hiked out of scissors crossings with 8.5 liters. I wouldn't head out without the ability to carry at least 6 liters/quarts.

      I wish you well. You can do this. Just a lot of walking.


  10. Congratulations Ang! I read your article in the paper and I'm pulling for you! Praying for you too!

  11. I just wanted to let you know how inspiring your blog has been for me so far. I'm planning to thru hike solo next year and I'm in less than great shape. Reading your words have given me hope and confidence that I can do it! And just knowing that you've gotten this far, I know YOU CAN DO IT TOO!! I really hope to read more updates from you and to see you back on the trail soon!

  12. So have you been able to get back out on the trail? I was so looing foward to reading your blog.

  13. Hello just wondering if you finished your trip? Just happened on your journal now and I am just curious.

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  15. Where are you. If the journey has ended tell us the story. I for one root for you
