Tuesday, February 2, 2016

"Well, what if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today." -Phil from Groundhogs Day

Today is Groundhogs Day and I am not going to lie... I love the movie with Bill Murray! I didn't like it at all the first time I saw it as a kid but after I grew up and I watched it again with my brother I thought it was one hilarious film. I've been curious to see what would happen with the groundhog this year. I wondered if he would see his shadow or not. Would he predict 6 more weeks of winter or an early spring?  Because one of the only things that strikes any fear in my heart regarding my PCT hike is snow... bum, bum, bum!!! I am not exactly sure why, but I have never been a huge fan of snow. It probably has a lot to do with being born and raised in the sunshiny, sandy beach covered, palm tree waving land of southern California. When all the people around me start shivering in anticipation of waking up to a lawn dusted in downy whiteness, I shiver at the idea of having to deal with icy roads and numb fingers! I honestly hate it! I don't mind visiting the snow but I despise when the snow comes to visit me!!!
As I have been keeping track of the weather this year and watching as the mountain tops of the Sierra Nevada's pack with snow, I've been feeling rather anxious.  I have no, I repeat, NO snow hiking/backpacking experience. I've never used crampons or an ice axe. I am not excited about this aspect of my hike at all. And yet, the Sierra's call to me and I must answer!!!  I cannot say no!  In the midst of my trepidation, I feel that familiar sense of stubbornness that lives inside of me. The part of me that decided I would teach myself to play guitar and did. The side of me that I relied upon to help me lose over 100 pounds. The part of myself that has spent the last year and a half making this PCT hike become a reality. I will rely on that stubborn, resolute side of myself again as I approach the drifts of snow piled high in the Sierras and practice (hopefully on a safe slope) how to use my ice axe.  Um... yeah... Its gonna happen. So I am interested to see what the groundhog's take on what this winter/spring will look like.
 I also feel another sense of connection to the "Groundhog's Day" movie because with only about 60 days left till I leave Oregon and about 75 days till I start hiking, my final days here in Oregon feel very repetitive. Everyday I get up and do what seems to be the same old thing. One day runs right into the next with very little variety.  I feel as though I am living the same day over and over and over!!!! But I know that March 26th is just around the corner and April 10th is only a blink after. It will be here before I know it and the adventure that has consumed my brain for the last year will be a reality! I can't wait for the morning I wake up and "I Got You Babe" isn't playing on my bedside clock radio!!!! That will be a glorious day!!!!
Well I just heard on the radio that Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow and is predicting an early spring. I'm hoping he's correct and also hoping the snow will melt away along with my fears with sunny days in the Sierra's!
On an exciting note the permit process has begun and I was able to submit for the day that I wanted. I am expecting to get an email in the next few weeks that will have my permit attached. I will have to carry it with me all 2660 miles!!! Yay!!!


  1. Fellow fat girl here, I'm only planning on section hiking Oregon starting mid August. I hope to see you on the trail! Thank you for the links and the inspiration!

  2. I am enjoying your blog. I am also starting the PCT this year with my husband. I am also not a slight framed girl......I have been training and really looking forward to receiving that permit in my email in box, Happy Trails ~ Gina

    1. Awesome Gina! Maybe I'll see you out there and thank you for reading!

  3. Very inspiring! I have had this on my bucket list for a few years now and I am going to make it a reality for August 2017! Can't wait to hear of your amazing experience, love reading your blog xoxo

    1. Thank you so much! I am so excited and can't believe this is right around the coroner!

    2. Coroner, I hope not. ,:). When tiring, you may need a laugh.... Comedy tape/audio?!

    3. Coroner, I hope not. ,:). When tiring, you may need a laugh.... Comedy tape/audio?!

  4. Angela Success on your walk Nobo. My initial kickoff was to be this year however, flexibility in life as on trail is a must; my new kickoff is Nobo 2017. This is number one on my bucket list. I am looking forward to learning from you thru your blog. Enjoy your journey. Thank you. Hans

  5. Snow is your friend and stubbornness will get you through. Embrace the beauty and the challenge. I love the stillness that snow brings--it quiets the chaos--at least for me. You've got this!

    1. I keep trying to believe this! I know that all I have to do is just keep moving forward and I pray that I learn to love the snow! :-)

  6. Angela, I read you story in the RG and knew right away you were a person who would succeed in your life’s personal journey. The adventure ahead is not about getting from point A to point B it is about what you encounter along the way. Cheryl’s account along the PCT in her book “Wild” would scare most away but instead you learned from it. The trip will teach you so much more about yourself, life, and your faith. My desire was to walk it last year when I turned 75 but my health let me down. So I put aside the idea until reading your story when the idea came that I should support you and join you in spirit. So when you make that first step onto the trail at Campo my prayers will be with you. Bill Trail Name Hill-Billy
